Balochistan: 385 BLA fighters took part in Bolan Op, killed 78 Pakistani soldiers

at 1:38 am

Quetta: The unprecedented two-day military operation carried out by Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) in Balochistan’s Bolan district was huge, with the outfit tonight saying 385 of its fighters participated in it and killed 78 personnel of occupying Pakistani soldiers.

The ‘Operation Darra-e-Bolan’ of BLA started at around 9 PM (Pakistan time) on January 29 and lasted till 7 PM on January 31, when it was called off “after successfully achieving its desired objectives”.

During this operation, BLA operatives took complete control of an area of ​​70 km radius including Mach city, which also included the main highway of NH 65, the outfit said tonight while sharing details of the massive military action.

BLA spokesman Jeeyand Baloch, in a statement, said 385 fighters from its 4 different units participated in the Operation. They included 12 fidayeen (suicide attackers) of BLA’s fidayeen unit Majeed Brigade.

The remaining units included the Fateh Squad, the Special Tactical Operations Squad (STOS) and the Intelligence Wing, he said.

Baloch said that after “achieving the desired results”, the BLA Senior Command Council decided to end the Operation on January 31, 2024 at 7 PM.

The Council also issued instructions to all units to leave their positions and report back to base camp.

A total of 78 enemy personnel were killed during Operation Dara Bolan, he said.

Among them, 45 Frontier Corps personnel were killed within the first three hours of the operation in Mach city, 10 FC personnel were killed in an attack on an army camp at Pirghib Bolan and 4 FC personnel were killed in an attack on an army convoy in Gokrit Mach, he said.

The BLA spokesman said 12 freedom personnel entered the FC headquarters on 30 January and at least 5 SSG commandos were targeted by fidayeen on 31 January, besides two policemen.

The police personnel killed included an SHO, she said.

“Although the BLA had arrested a large number of Levies and policemen, but being Baloch, they were released on the condition that they remain neutral. One SHO tried to take undue advantage of the BLA’s leniency and hence he was killed.

During the Operation, 13 freedom fighters of the BLA achieved the great honor of martyrdom, Jeeyand Baloch said.

“All the fidayeen came determined to attain martyrdom, managed to penetrate right into the heart of the FC headquarters and stayed in the midst of the enemy for two days, nibbling on it,” the spokesman said.

“Despite BLA keeping the entire area under its control for two days, the enemy army was able to martyr only one Sarmachar apart from 12 Fidayeen, which is a testament to BLA’s professional capabilities,” the spokesman said.

“The Baloch Liberation Army had full support and support from the allied parties of Baloch Raji Ajoi Singer (Brass) during Operation Dara Bolan. Which is a milestone in the history of Baloch national unity and consensus,” he said.

“Operation Bolan Pass had two main objectives. Our first objective was to show our Baloch people that their national army, BLA, has the capability to free their city from the occupation of Pakistan with such force and keep it under their control for two consecutive days,” he said.