Balochistan: Umbrella group of Baloch outfits BRAS vows to resist Pakistani military Op

at 1:03 pm
Representative Picture of Baloch Raji Ajoi Sangar (BRAS)

Quetta: The Baloch Raaji Aajoi Sangar (BRAS), an umbrella organisation of various Baloch armed groups fighting for independence of Balochistan, has vowed to resolutely resist the all-out operation launched by the Pakistan Army and threatened to intensify attacks on the military as well as Chinese interests.

The BRAS has said that the ‘Operation Azm-e-Ishtekam’, announced by the Pakistan government on June 29 ostensibly to end terrorism, is actually an attack on Balochistan.

BRAS, which comprises outfits like Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), Baloch Liberation Front (BLF) and Baloch Republican Army (BRA), was formed in 2019 as part of efforts to carry out coordinated actions against the Pakistani military with the objective of snatching independence for Balochistan.

“The military aggression, which the occupying Pakistani Army calls an operation, is actually occupation, military infiltration, aggression and genocide,” said BRAS spokesman Baloch Khan in a press statement.

“It is a veiled declaration of intensifying genocide in Balochistan,” he said and declared that, “The allied organizations of the BRAS will defend their nation and their land against any kind of military aggression and defeat the aggressor forces.”

The spokesman said the military operation in Balochistan is not a new thing as the occupying Pakistani army has been involved in military aggression, genocide and operations in Balochistan since 1948 in general and in the last decades in particular, with the aim of stabilizing the Pakistani occupation of Baloch land and Lengthy.

Against this military aggression, the Baloch people are fighting an armed struggle for the defense and freedom of their nation and homeland, he said.

Just as the Baloch leaders have been fighting against the occupying army in the defense of the Baloch nation and homeland for decades, the BRAS allies, while maintaining the same continuity, have made better alignments in their ranks and are fully ready to defend their nation against the so-called Operation.

Baloch Khan further said that the successful attacks by Baloch fighters have foiled all the exploitative projects of China including CPEC in Balochistan.

Hence, there is China’s pressure on Pakistan to protect and save the sinking investment of China in Balochistan, Baloch Khan said.

He said the so-called ‘Operation Azm-e-Ishtekam’ has been announced by Pakistan to protect Chinese investment and exploitation projects by intensifying genocide in Balochistan.

The said the operation is being launched to assure China that the occupying Pakistani army will not shy away from piling dead bodies in Balochistan to protect the sugar investment in Balochistan.

“The Baloch Raji Ajoi Sanger (BRAS) announces the acceleration of defense war against the so-called Operation Azm-e-Ishtekam’, under which attacks will be intensified, not only on the occupying Pakistan army and its installations but also on Chinese interests,” the spokesman said.