Hoardings against Pak in Srinagar on 26/11 terror attack anniversary

at 7:17 pm
Hoardings put up against Pak in Srinagar for 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks

New Delhi (NVI): A number of hoardings against Pakistan were seen in parts of Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir, on the eve of 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, that slammed Islamabad for sponsoring terrorism.

The hoardings, to commemorate the anniversary of 2008 Mumbai attacks, displayed that 26/11 in Kashmir is being observed as a Black Day. The hoardings were seen around Sonwar, Karanagar, Lalchowk and Rajbagh areas of Srinagar.

“We won’t forget. How you showed no mercy, how you tried to break us, how you made us helpless,” read the posters.

“Pakistan and its sponsored terrorists wreaked havoc on 26/11, 2008, in Mumbai,” the posters read, adding that “India unites against terror.”

According to Junaid Mir, President, Jammu and Kashmir’s Workers Party, the hoardings are a must for the masses to see and relate with the events that happened. “They act as reminders to people about the crimes that Pakistan has been guilty to and how Pakistani proxies should not be allowed to preach anything in favour of the enemy of humanity.

“The need is to relate with the miseries that have been caused not only to the people of Mumbai but also the people of Kashmir by misleading and misguiding the people,” he said.

A sit-in protest was also organised in the city to commemorate the Mumbai attack. Junaid further said that the sit-in protest organised today was against an “evil force” called Pakistan.

“We have assembled to sensitise the commoners regarding the real face of Pakistan. It is a country that has legitimised terrorism within its boundaries and is a threat to humanity. The horrors of the events of 26/11 are still fresh in our memory and recounting those moments adds to the determination of countering and fighting terrorism.”

He said that the communal and divisive policy of Pakistan shall find no buyers anymore as Kashmir has had enough of bloodshed and violence on its land for no reason. “We are doing this sit-in, in the memory of those innocents who lost their lives to the barbarians from Pakistan.”

“We are remembering the brave hearts who sacrificed their lives for protecting the people of India. We want to make it clear that we will not let the propagandists of Pakistan keep the paradise in isolation and distress. We are here to uplift the Kashmiri society and make it enter the contemporary standards of living and satisfaction which a citizen deserve,” he added.

On November 26, 2008, a series of terrorist attacks took place in Mumbai (also referred to as 26/11), when 10 terrorists of Lashkar-e-Toiba carried out 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks, that lasted for four days across the city.

The attacks, which drew widespread global condemnation, began on November 26 and lasted until November 29. At least 166 people died, including 9 terrorists, and more than 300 were injured.