India, China stalling so bad economically because they’re xenophobic: US President

at 10:44 pm

Washington/New Delhi, May 2: US President Joe Biden has said that countries like India, China, Japan, and Russia are stalling so badly economically because they are xenophobic, arguing that the migration has been good for the US economy.

“Because we welcome immigrants. We look to — the reason — look, think about it. Why is China stalling so badly economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia? Why is India? Because they’re xenophobic. They don’t want immigrants,” Biden purportedly made remarks at a Washington fundraising gathering for his 2024 re-election bid.

“One of the reasons why our economy is growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants,” Biden said.

Biden, contending against Republican candidate and former president Donald Trump in the presidential campaign, has frequently denounced his opponent’s “anti-immigrant” language.

Pertinent to mention here that Trump has pledged to clamp down on illegal immigration and limit legal migration if elected. Throughout his campaign, he has attributed the increase in violence in the country to immigrants.

Interestingly, the US President has called QUAD partners – India and Japan “xenophobic” nations over the immigrant issue. Biden, who has criticized the anti-immigrant rhetoric of his Republican rival Donald Trump, has actively pursued extensive economic and political partnerships with nations like Japan and India as part of a strategy to counterbalance China and Russia on a global scale.

Worries over irregular migration have emerged as a key concern for numerous U.S. voters leading up to the November presidential election.