Pakistan NA passes resolution countering US call to probe Feb 8 elections
On Wednesday, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution with a staggering majority of 98%, calling for a probe into the February 2024 election.

at 12:08 am
PML-N MNA Shaista Pervaiz Malik tabling a resolution in the NA

Islamabad, June 28:  In a tit-for-tat move, the Pakistan National Assembly on Friday passed a resolution condemning the United States House of Representatives’ resolution which demanded an independent probe into the February 8 nationwide polls.

The resolution was tabled by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) lawmaker Shaista Pervaiz Malik, and passed by a majority in the National Assembly amid a noisy protest by the opposition PTI-SIC alliance which chanted slogans against the government.

The move came in response to the US Congress’s House Resolution – HR 901, which was termed as “interference” in Pakistan’s internal affairs

The resolution regretted that the HR 901 Resolution clearly reflects an “incomplete and wrong understanding” of the political and electoral processes of Pakistan.

It further stated that the US Congress resolution does not acknowledge the free and enthusiastic exercise of the right to vote by millions of Pakistanis in the General Elections held on 8 February 2024.

“An independent and sovereign country like Pakistan will not accept any Interference in its internal affairs and the subject resolution is an attempt to undermine the state,” it stated.

MNA Shaista slammed the opposition lawmakers for “encouraging an attack on Pakistan’s sovereignty” after a country dared to “intervene in our internal matters.

“It is shameful that Pakistan’s sovereignty is under attack and some among us are encouraging this assault. It is regrettable that foreign powers are meddling in our internal matters, and we must deter them,” Malik added

Malik urged everyone to condemn these actions. “We should all denounce these steps, but some are supporting foreign interference, which questions our nation’s sovereignty.”

Shagufta Jumani remarked, “Those supporting this have no right to call themselves Pakistanis. This is our country, and they should stop interfering.” Meanwhile, opposition members chanted, “Cipher, cipher, shame, shame.”

Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq Dar on Thursday announced that the government would introduce a resolution in the National Assembly in response to the one passed by the US House of Representatives a day earlier expressing “robust support” for democracy in Pakistan.

On Wednesday, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution with a staggering majority of 98%, calling for a “full and independent investigation of claims of interference or irregularities in Pakistan’s February 2024 election”.

A total of 368 members voted in favour of the resolution against only seven opposing it.