TTP rubbishes Pakistan’s claims that it is getting funds from RAW

at 8:34 pm
Leaders of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) -- File Pic

Peshawar: Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) today rubbished the claim of the government of Pakistan-occupied Balochistan that the Islamist militant organisation receives funds from Indian intelligence agency RAW after one of its top arrested commanders purportedly spoke about it in custody.

In a statement, the TTP said its commander Nasrullah Mansoor had been tortured by the “notorious Pakistani intelligence agencies” and forced to make this and certain other claims.

It vowed revenge against Balochistan’s “puppet” Minister Mir Ziaullah Langove who made such fictitious claims at a press conference.

“Maulvi Mansoor’s statement from custody was taken after the torture by the notorious Pakistani intelligence agencies during his arrest,” said the TTP statement issued by spokesman Mohammad Khurasani.

“We will take revenge and puppet Minister Ziaullah Langove and others will have to bear the consequences of their actions,” he threatened.

Langove, while mentioning about the arrest of Nasrullah alias Maulvi Mansoor in Balochistan, alleged that “India is responsible for supporting and financing terrorist activities.”

Responding to the allegations, the TTP spokesman said, “Regarding the relationship with RAW, the entire Pakistani nation knows who made the Kashmir deal. Who is eager to expand trade ties with India?”

The statement added, “It is clear to the entire nation that the security institutions imposed on this country are the lifeblood of all these projects.”

The spokesman also rejected the claim by Langove that TTP is working with Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), a frontline militant group fighting for ending Pakistani occupation of Balochistan.

However, he expressed support to the struggle of the Baloch people who are seeking independence.

“We do not have any organizational relationship with BLA or any other organization, but Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan supports the rights of Baloch people and appreciates their struggle,” Khurasani said.

Regarding Taliban (or the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan), the TTP spokesman did not deny his organisation’s relationship with the ruling organisation of Afghanistan.

“However, the claim that we are provided with financial and human support by them is completely contrary to the facts,” he said, maintaining the old stand.

The TTP spokesman also insisted that it posed no threat to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), contradicting the claim made by the Minister of Balochistan.

“The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has repeatedly made it clear in its statements that we have no external agenda,” Khurasani said.