135 Indian peacekeepers on UN Mission awarded in South Sudan

at 5:37 pm
Indian Peacekeepers on UN Mission in South Sudan being awarded.

New Delhi: In a development of pride for India, 135 of its military officers on UN Peacekeeping Mission in South Sudan have been honoured for fulfilling the mandate of the world body in the conflict-ridden region.

Medals were pinned by the UN Force Commander on the proud chests of the officers who are serving in Bor, Pibor and at a temporary operating base in Akobo and have engaged in a variety of activities, including civil-military cooperation.

“My heartfelt congratulations to all these officers for their contributions towards the fulfilment of the UNMISS mandate in this challenging environment,” said Lieutenant General Shailesh Tinaikar, the peacekeeping Mission’s Force Commander in Bor.

The Indian troops, while working in Jonglei State and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, have dealt with the often-violent reality in a volatile part of South Sudan, often plagued by inter communal violence.

Flooding and the resulting displacement of thousands of people have further complicated matters.

“I admire the desire to achieve peace among all the military personnel receiving well-deserved medals on this day,” said Sector East Commander Brigadier General Deepak Kumar Baniya.

“The price of peace is sometimes very high,” he added.

India has participated in a total of 49 peacekeeping operations across the world, during which it has lost 157 of its personnel.