Cabinet approves proposal for amendments in NCIM Bill, 2019

at 5:46 pm

New Delhi (NVI): The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal of official amendments in the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Bill, 2019 (NCIM) which is pending in the Rajya Sabha.

In another decision, the Cabinet approved the official amendments to National Commission for Homeopathy Bill, 2019 for amending the Homeopathy Central Council (HCC) Act, 2973.

This Bill is also pending in Rajya Sabha.

The proposed legislation will ensure necessary regulatory reforms in the field of Indian System of Medicine education and Homoeopathy education.

The proposed regulatory structure will enable transparency and accountability for protecting the interest of the general public.

The Commission will promote availability of affordable healthcare services in all parts of the country.

The Commission has been structured to streamline the functions related to academic standards, evaluation, assessment and accreditation of educational institutions pertaining to Indian System of Medicine.