Total cases of COVID-19 rise to 299 in Afghanistan

at 7:36 pm

New Delhi (NVI): Afghanistan reported 25 new COVID-19 cases today, bringing the total to 299, according to country’s Ministry of Public Health.

A total of 153 suspected cases had been tested in COVID-19 laboratories in the capital city Kabul and western Herat province yesterday, as per local media reports.

According to Afghan official, 25 cases were tested positive of virus, including 11 in Kabul and five cases in Herat.Nine new positive ceases were reported in Samangan, Balkh, Kunduz, Faryab, Ghazni, Logar, Ghor and Nimroz provinces.

Six of the 299 affected people have died and 10 have recovered since the outbreak of the coronovirus in Afghanistan.