COVID cases in Afghanistan climb to 27,532; death toll at 546

at 6:33 pm

New Delhi (NVI): The coronavirus cases in Afghanistan saw a rise of 658 cases in the last 24 hours, taking the total number to 27,532, according to Afghan media reports.

The death toll due to the virus rose to 546 with 42 new fatalities being reported in the last 24 hours.

Among the fresh cases reported, the highest count of new positive cases was reported in Kabul with 415, followed by Bamiyan with 62 positive cases.

Likewise, 40 cases were reported in Takhar, 27 in Kandahar, 6 in Balkh, 21 in Logar, 17 in Baghlan, 2 in Ghazni, 7 in Parwan, 22 in Kunduz, 14 in Panjshir, 4 in Faryab, 5 in Ghor, 6 in Zabul, and 10 in Daikundi.

In terms to fatalities, 17 COVID-19 deaths in Kabul, 19 in Herat, 1 in Balkh, 2 in Samangan and 3 in Faryab in the last 24 hours, as per media reports.

The Afghan Ministry of Public Health said 7,660 people have recovered from the respiratory disease in Afghanistan.

So far, 61,599 people have been tested for COVID-19 in the country, as per media reports.