Afghanistan’s COVID tally crosses 34,600; death toll at 1,038

at 6:12 pm

New Delhi (NVI): With the confirmation of 154 new cases, Afghanistan’s coronavirus infection tally has reached 34,605 today, according to Afghan media reports.

The Afghan Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) said, death toll due to the virus stands at 1,038 with 28 new fatalities being reported in the last 24 hours.

The fresh cases were reported in Kabul (78), Daykundi (26), Badakhshan (11), Bamyan (11), Takhar (8), Kandahar (4), Paktia (4), Baghlan (3), Parwan (3), Kapisa (2), Helamnd (1), Panjshir (1), Zabul (1) and Nimroz (1), it said.

Kabul also topped the list with 24 deaths reported in the Province.

The ministry also added that 64 patients have been discharged from hospitals in the past 24 hours, bringing the total recoveries to 21,280 in the country.

Meanwhile, the local health experts believe that the actual number of infections could be much higher than the official figures as scores of patients did not visit hospitals and there was no system to register them.