74% adults ready to get COVID-19 vaccine when available: Survey

at 6:39 pm

New Delhi (NVI): Around 74 per cent of adults in 27 countries are willing to get vaccinated against the coronavirus if a vaccine becomes available, according to a new survey.

The survey, conducted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Ipsos, shows that three-quarters of adults would get a vaccine for COVID-19 if it were available.

But nearly two-thirds (59 per cent) do not think one will be available by the end of 2020.

The survey, which covered nearly 20,000 adults in 27 countries over two weeks — between July 24 and August 7 this year – also reveals where in the world take-up would be strongest.

The majority of respondents from all the countries expressed their willingness to get a vaccine, the survey showed.

China was the most enthusiastic country with 97 per cent of respondents indicating they would want to be vaccinated, while Russia was the least willing with only 54 per cent interested to do so.

India is also not far behind, ranking third, with 75 per cent hopeful that a vaccine will be out this year.

Globally, the majority (56 per cent) of those who said they won’t get the vaccine have expressed concerns about its possible side-effects, 29 per cent had concerns about its effectiveness and 17 per cent said they were against vaccines in general, said the WEF.

Nearly 3 in 5 adults don’t think a vaccine will be available to them by the end of 2020.

According to the survey, there were six reasons people have given for the reluctance to get vaccinated — side-effects, doubts on its effectiveness, opposition to vaccines in general, lack of time, belief of not being susceptible to COVID-19 and other reasons.

Meanwhile, several pharmaceutical companies are working on vaccine trials, while organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), Gavi and CEPI are also working to develop a vaccine and ensure any future solution is available for those most in need.