EU agrees for Brexit “flextension” to Britain until January 31, 2020
"Flextension" means the UK could leave before the deadline if a deal was approved by Parliament.

at 11:08 am

Brussels (NVI): European Union on October 28 agreed to accept London’s request for a Brexit extension until January 31, 2020, European Council President Donald Tusk has said.

In a tweet on October 28, Tusk said the EU27, the 27 countries that will remain in the European Union after Britain leaves have “agreed that it will accept the UK’s request for a Brexit flextension until 31 January 2020.”

“Flextension” means the UK could leave before the deadline if a deal was approved by Parliament.

Tusk also said the decision is expected to be formalised through a written procedure, which means EU leaders will not have to meet in person to formalise it.

The EU decision comes as MPs prepare to vote on proposals by Boris Johnson for an early general election on December 12.

The SNP and Lib Dems have also proposed an election on 9 December.

The government has not ruled out getting behind that proposal date, if it fails to get its preferred date through the Commons later.
