Modi seeks European Union support in fight against terror

at 11:39 am
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Members of European Parliament here on October 28.

New Delhi (NVI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 28 met Members of European Parliament and sought cooperation from international community to jointly fight terror.

He also highlighted about the need to strengthen engagement with EU on regional and global matters and the importance of close international cooperation to fight terrorism, an official statement said referring to a 28-member EU Parliamentary delegation calling on the Prime Minister here.

During the meeting, the PM said that early conclusion of a fair and balanced Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA) is a priority for the government.

He also spoke about the huge jump in India’s position in Ease of Doing Business rankings from 142 in 2014 to 63 currently.

He said that this is a massive achievement for a country as enormous in size, demography and diversity as India. Governance systems are today enabling people to move in aspirational direction, a PMO statement said.

The Prime Minister also underlined the focus of the government on ensuring Ease of Living for all Indians.

He mentioned about the success of key programmes of the Government including Swachh Bharat and Ayushman Bharat and reiterated India’s commitment to eliminate TB by 2025, five years before the global target.

He also talked about steps taken for environment protection and conservation including enhanced renewable energy targets and movement against single use plastics.