US appears to support Modi govt on new farm laws

at 3:35 pm

New Delhi (NVI): The United States appeared to support the Modi government over the three new farm laws amidst a raging controversy, saying it welcomes steps that would “improve the efficiency of India’s markets and attract private sector investment”.

The US State Department, in its comment on the ongoing agitation by farmers on the borders of Indian capital New Delhi, said “differences between the parties” should be resolved through dialogue.

In the nuanced statement amid some critical comments made by a few foreign celebrities like pop star Rihanna, the foreign ministry of the US also referred to the Indian Supreme Court’s view upholding the right to peaceful protests.

“We recognise that peaceful protests are a hallmark of any thriving democracy and note that the Indian Supreme Court has stated the same,” the State Department said.

“We encourage that any differences between the parties be resolved through dialogue,” it said, referring to the anger among a section of farmers over the new Farm laws which they feel would hurt the agriculturists badly.

In an apparent reference to the new Farm laws without making a direct mention, the State Department said, “In general, the United States welcomes steps that would improve the efficiency of India’s markets and attract greater private sector investment.”

This is in consonance with the Modi government’s assertion that the new Farm laws would boost the agriculture sector through private sector involvement.

The State Department also referred to the suspension of the internet facility in certain areas where farmers are staging protests.

“We recognise that unhindered access to information, including the internet, is fundamental to the freedom of expression and a hallmark of a thriving democracy,” it said.