BLA attacks Pakistan Army’s outpost in Balochistan’s Harnai

at 10:45 pm
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New Delhi (NVI): Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) fighters yesterday targeted and attacked check post of the Pakistan army in Gechin, Harnai.

“Freedom fighters of Baloch Liberation Army attacked a check post of the Pakistan’s occupier army in Gechin, Harnai yesterday evening,” BLA spokesperson Jeeyand Baloch said in a statement.

“The enemy army suffered heavy losses and casualties in the attack,” the spokesperson added.

He further said that the Baloch Liberation Army reiterates its commitment to continue attacking the occupying forces until goal of an independent Balochistan is achieved.

Earlier on April 4, in its latest counter offensive against illegal encroachment and plundering of resources by Pakistan, the rebel outfit targeted a vehicle of Pakistani army with IED in Margat area of Bolan district in Balochistan and afflicted heavy damage.

Notably, Baloch rebels have stepped up their offensive against the Pakistani forces and state authorities as part of BLA’s efforts of defending Balochistan against sheer exploitation of the province’s resources by Pakistan and China in the garb of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.