Pakistani agencies wanted to kill me, says JKLF leader

at 1:14 pm

Muzaffarabad (POJK): For those Kashmiris who shower love and affection on Pakistan and its military, there is a big piece of news.

The leader of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front or JKLF of so-called “Azad Kashmir Gilgit Baltistan’ Toqeer Gilani had to flee from Muzaffarabad, all the way to America, just in time to save his life.

Gilani’s life was in danger as a “net” had been woven by the ‘Deep State’, that is, the Pakistani military and its secret agencies, to eliminate him.

This revelation has been made by Gilani himself in a media interview, after reaching the US yesterday.

Gilani used to be a darling of the Pakistani Deep State earlier and had been propped by it, because of which he became the President of JKLF Azad-Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan region.

However, a few months back, he committed a crime of leading an agitation to Muzaffarabad demand the fundamental rights for the people of Pakistan-occupied Jammu Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, which Pakistan has been denying.

During that agitation in May, Gilani also demanded that “unholy” Pakistani forces should leave Pakistan-occupied Jammu Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.

After this, the Pakistani State got after him and started entangling him in a slew of cases, besides targeting him and his family personally.

The last nail in the coffin came when he made some controversial religious comments last month.

He was accused of blasphemy and this set the stage for massive attack on him, propelled by the Pakistani agencies.

Considering that blasphemy-accused people in Pakistan are usually lynched or burnt alive, Toqeer realised the serious danger he had landed in.

He expressed apology publicly but that was not accepted.

He sensed serious threat to life and finally, to save himself, he had only one option – to run away to some safe place. And he chose the USA where his senior colleague and JKLF ‘Chief’ Raja Muzaffar expressed readiness to help.

Toqeer says that going back to POJK would be like committing suicide as the Pakistani agencies and authorities would kill him or get him killed by the ‘Islamic groups’.

He says that Pakistani forces and agencies in POJK adhere to no laws or legalities and go to any extent in human rights violations.

In the same interview, Raja Muzaffar, who describes Toqeer as his “right hand man”, says he was aware of the serious threat to his life in Pakistan-occupied Jammu Kashmir from “own people”, a reference to the Pakistani forces.