Army pays tribute to Soldier Martyred in Kupwara Encounter
Rifleman Rathor laid down his life while fighting terrorists at LOC

at 3:56 pm

Fazil Mir

Srinagar, July 27 (NVI): In solemn tribute, all ranks of the Chinar Corps saluted the supreme sacrifice of Rifleman Mohit Rathor, who laid down his life in the line of duty in the Kupwara Sector, on the Line of Control.

PRO Defence added:- Taking advantage of bad weather and poor visibility along Line of Control in Machhal Sector, a group of two to three armed personnel crossed the LOC and fired on a forward Army post from close proximity. Alert troops responded vigorously and in the ensuing exchange of fire  one Pakistani intruder has been killed alongwith recovery of weapons, ammunition and war like stores.  Identification and affiliation of this Pakistani National is being ascertained.
During this intense fire exchange,  two of our brave soldiers also suffered some grave injuries and were hence immediately evacuated to the Base Hospital at Srinagar.
Unfortunately,  one of these bravehearts has  succumbed to his injuries. The other brave is responding well to treatment and care and  is presently stable.


Rifleman Rathor’s immense bravery and dedication to his nation are deeply honored by his fellow soldiers, the Chinar Warriors. His valour lives on, inspiring countless souls even as he rests in eternal peace.

They expressed their deepest condolences and stood in solidarity with his bereaved family, ensuring that his sacrifice will never be forgotten.

In the past too, similar attempts by infiltrators, actively aided and abetted by Pakistani Army have exploited  thick foliage and poor visibility conditions but have always, as today, been successfully thwarted and disrupted.
Indian Army is firm in its resolve and commitment to maintain the sanctity of the Line of Control and defeat the nefarious and inimical designs of the Pakistan Army.                 (News Vibes of India)