Bangla PM raises Teesta river issue with Modi

at 10:00 pm
Bangla PM raises Teesta river issue with Modi

New Delhi (NVI): Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today raised the issue of long-pending agreement on Teesta river water-sharing during her talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who reiterated India’s “sincere commitment and continued efforts” in this regard.

A proposal to sign the agreement has been pending since 2011 because of stiff opposition by West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, who contends that the pact would hurt the interests of her state.

The stalemate on this issue has led to certain negative vibes in the India-Bangladesh relations and  Hasina reflected the impatience of her country during the talks today.

“Prime Minister Hasina highlighted the need for early signing of interim agreement for sharing of the Teesta waters, as agreed upon by both the governments in 2011. Prime Minister Narendra Modi reiterated India’s sincere commitment and continued efforts of the Government of India in that regard,” said a Joint Statement issued after the talks.

The two countries were set to sign the water-sharing agreement in September 2011 during the visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Dhaka but it was scuttled at the last moment because of objection expressed by Mamata Banerjee.

After Modi assumed power in 2014 and paid his first visit to Bangladesh in June 2015, he took Mamata Banerjee along and told Sheikh Hasina that he was confident a “fair solution” could be reached on Teesta through cooperation between central and state governments.

However, five years later, the issue remains struck and agreement pending.

Meanwhile, China stepped in and recently offered Bangladesh a loan of 1 billion dollars for maintenance and restoration of the Teesta river.

The Joint Statement issued today said the two leaders underscored the need for early conclusion of Framework of Interim Agreement on sharing of waters of six joint rivers, namely, Manu, Muhuri, Khowai, Gumti, Dharla and Dudhkumar.

“Bangladesh side requested the Indian side to inform its concerned border authorities to allow excavation work of the remaining portion of the Rahimpur Khal for utilization of Kushiyara River waters for irrigation purposes,” it said.

The Indian side was also requested to provide early concurrence on the proposed MoU to be signed between the two countries for monitoring the withdrawal of water from the Kushiyara River by both the sides, pending signing of the Treaty/Agreement regarding sharing of water of the Kushiyara River.

The two leaders recalled the positive contribution of the Joint Rivers Commission and looked forward to the next round of Secretarial level JRC meeting at the earliest.

Both sides expressed satisfaction at the robust cooperation in the power and energy sector, including between the private sectors.

It was agreed to expedite implementation of projects including India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline, Maitree Super Thermal Power Project as well as other projects.

Both sides welcomed the signing of the Framework of Understanding on Cooperation in the Hydrocarbon Sector which would further augment energy linkages by streamlining investments, technology transfer, joint studies, training and promoting hydrocarbon connectivity.

It was also agreed to enhance cooperation in energy efficiency and clean energy, including in biofuels.In line with commitment of both countries to move towards green, clean, renewable sources of energy, it was agreed to strengthen subregional cooperation including with Nepal and Bhutan.

Both sides also agreed to strengthen cooperation in the area of power and energy connectivity.