Cabinet approves MoUs with countries on health, climate change and tourism 

at 12:59 pm
Cabinet meeting
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New Delhi (NVI): Union Cabinet on November 6 approved Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Germany for collaboration in the field of occupational diseases, rehabilitation and vocational training of insured persons with disabilities.

The aim of the MoU is to exchange information and promote activities in the area of rehabilitation related to medical, occupational and social rehabilitation of insured persons with disabilities and prevention, detection and treatment of occupational diseases. 

The Cabinet also approved MoU with Switzerland in the field of climate change and the environment that will enable capacity-building on climate change and sustainable water management, forest management, development of mountainous regions, environmentally sustainable and resilient urban development between both the countries, an official statement said.

The agreement will also focus on clean and renewable energy and climate risk management as well as address issues of air, land and water pollution.  

It will enhance public accountability with exchange of information and technology between the two countries. Further, It is expected to bring latest technologies and best practices suited for better environment protection, conservation, management of climate change and wildlife conservation.

Meanwhile, the cabinet has also approved MoU with Maldives on training and capacity-building programme for Maldivian Judicial officers in India which will enhance cooperation between both countries in judicial and other legal areas and also enables the exchange of knowledge and technology in training and capacity building, said in an official statement.

Strengthening cooperation in the field of tourism, the MoU between India and Paraguay was also approved which will help India in increasing foreign tourist arrivals from Paraguay that will help economic development and employment generation. It will also create favourable conditions for long-term tourism cooperation for the mutual benefits of all stakeholders within the broader framework and areas of cooperation. 

The pact enables the exchange of information and data related to tourism, establishing exchange programmes for cooperation in Human Resource Development and the investment in the tourism and hospitality sectors between the two countries, the statement added. 
