New Delhi: The mammoth Census 2021 exercise in India will also employ digital methodology involving mobile app and dedicated portal, highlighted an all-India meeting of census officials called for discussing the related preparations here on October 10.
To elaborate on the digital methodology to be used in the upcoming Census, presentations were made on Mobile App for Census (HLO, NPR & PE), Census management and monitoring portal. The meeting also discussed updation of National Population Register (NPR) in the country.
All India conference of State coordinators & Directors of Census Operations & updation of National Population Register (NPR) in the country was held in the chairmanship of Dr. Vivek Joshi, Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India. The event was attended by senior State Government officers & DCO officers.
During the event top officials discussed the role of different States for Census 2021, support being provided to the States by the central government and the support expected by the States to run the Census process seamlessly. Senior officials were also explained about logistics involved for carrying out the Census and how dissemination of information will be done to raise awareness on Census.
The major aim of the event was to interact with the attending officers to help them understand the preparation for Census 2021 (for both the phases- house listing and population enumeration), eliminate any doubts regarding the same and have an interactive session on suggestions for improvement. To disseminate information on different aspects of Census, presentations were given to the State coordinators & Directors of Census Operations.
Training of National trainers is to start from 14th October, 2019 and the senior State officials were informed about the schedule of the training. Also, it was informed that as the training is to be scaled up from the national level till the enumerators level, the State officials should ensure everyone’s participation. This will help in avoiding gaps in the Census operation.