Covid-19 cases in Afghanistan cross 26,800 as 564 more test positive

at 6:15 pm

New Delhi (NVI): At least 564 new coronavirus positive cases have been reported in Afghanistan in the past 24 hours, taking the total to 26,874 across the country, according to Afghan media reports.

According to country’s Ministry of Public Health, 13 people lost their lives over the past 24 hours and 650 more recovered.

Of the new COVID-19 reported in last 24 hour cases, the highest count was reported in Kabul with 192, followed by Bamiyan 65 positive cases.

Likewise, 64 cases were reported in Takhar, 27 in Kandahar, 51 in Balkh, 40 in Paktia, 6 in Nangarhar, 21 in Baghlan, 27 in Kunduz, 24 in Wardak, 5 in Kunar, 12 in Kapisa, 6 in Badakhshan, 2 in Zabul, 14 in Daikundi and 8 in Nuristan.

In terms of deaths, the ministry reported three COVID-19 deaths in Kabul, two in Nangarhar, three in Takhar, three in Bamiyan, one in Badghis and one in Wardak in the last 24 hours, as per reports.

At least, 60,298 people have been tested for coronavirus in the country, the ministry said.

So far, 6,158 patients have been cured or discharged, while 504 died from the pandemic.