CRPF 132-Bn organized Volley Ball match on 86th Foundation day in Srinagar
In future such games will be organized with the general public also

at 8:22 pm
Ranjan Kumar Baruah, Commandant 132 Bn CRPF, Sinagar,speaking to media on 86th foundation day.

Fazil Mir

Srinagar, July 27(NVI): To commemorate the 86th foundation day of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) today, 132 Bn CRPF organized a volleyball game at G/132 Bn location (MLA Hostel) Srinagar.

The volleyball match was played among various companies of CRPF,in Srinagar, where F/132 was victorious.

On this occasion, Sh. Ranjan Kumar Baruah, Commandant-132 Bn congratulated all the soldiers and their families on the 86th foundation day of CRPF and wished them a bright future. During this, he also thanked to the media personnel that they took out some of their precious time to be present among us and enhanced the beauty of this event.

After the match Commandant-132 Bn presented trophies to the winning/runner-up teams. In his statement, Commandant-132 Bn encouraged the soldiers to maintain physical efficiency, relief from mental stress and brotherhood with general public though sports, so that in future, this Bn along with the force will also gain name by participating in other tournament.

He also stressed that in future such games will be organized with the general public also so that a cordial environment can be created with them and brotherhood can be maintained among themselves.

During the finals and prize distribution other officers of 132 Bn CRPF and soldiers of various companies registered their presence. (News Vibes of India)