MHA directs states to ensure free movement of trucks to maintain supplies

at 7:48 pm
Representational Image (Source: Twitter @MORTHIndia)

New Delhi (NVI): The Union Home Ministry today issued an order to States to ensure free movement of trucks, including empty ones, to maintain supply chain of goods and services in the country amid lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic.

In its letter to Chief Secretaries of all States, the MHA asked local authorities not to insist on separate passes for inter-state movement of trucks across the country.

“MHA to States: Ensure free movement of trucks/goods carriers, incl empty trucks. Local authorities must not insist on separate passes at inter-state borders across the country. This is essential to maintain supply chain of goods & services in the country,” the Home Ministry spokesperson tweeted.

While referring to an April 15 MHA order on movement of goods/cargo, Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla wrote: “It has been reported that at inter-State borders in different parts of the country, movement of trucks is not allowed freely and local authorities insist on separate passes. While this matter has been clarified earlier vide my D.O. letters of even numbers dated 03.04.2020 and 12.04.2020, it is now re-iterated, as per the guidelines referred above, that no separate passes are required for through traffic of trucks and goods carriers, including empty trucks, etc. This is essential for maintaining the supply chain of goods and services across the country during the lockdown period.”

The Home Ministry has asked all States and UTs to ensure that district authorities and field agencies are informed of the latest directions in this regard “so that there is no ambiguity at the ground level, and movement of through traffic of trucks and goods carriers, including empty trucks is allowed without any hindrance.”

India is currently under an extended lockdown till May 3 to contain the spread of coronavirus that has killed more than 1000 people in the country, while more than 33,000 people have been tested positive for the virus.