Mumbai schools to remain shut till Dec 31

at 2:47 pm
Mumbai schools to remain shut till Dec 31
Representational image

New Delhi (NVI): All schools run by Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) will remain closed till December 31, in the view of rising COVID-19 cases in Mumbai.

This announcement was made by Mumbai Mayor Kishori Pednekar today, according to media reports.

The schools across Maharashtra, including Mumbai, were scheduled to reopen from November 23 for classes 9 to 12.

According to the state government’s order, other schools in rest of Maharashtra that don’t come under BMC jurisdiction will reopen on November 23.

The state’s education department has made it mandatory for teachers to undergo an RT-PCR test for COVID-19 before schools reopen. Besides, parents will have to sign a written consent before their children attend school, as per the state’s guidelines.

Meanwhile, the schools that are planning to reopen next week will have to follow health, hygiene and other safety measures before and after classes.

So far, Mumbai has registered 2,72,449 coronavirus cases, while the death toll stood at 10,624 in the city.

However, in worst-affected Maharashtra COVID-19 tally went up to 17,63,055 with the addition of 5,535 cases in past 24 hours.