Pakistan to stay on terror-financing watchdog FATF’s ‘grey list’ till Feb 2021

at 8:50 pm
Imran Khan

New Delhi (NVI): With the Imran Khan government’s failure to comply with a 27-point action plan handed to it by Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the terror financing watchdog today voted to keep Pakistan on its “grey list” till February 2021.

FATF’s decision dashed the hopes of the Pakistan government to remain out of the grey list, despite Imran Khan’s efforts that he made before the virtual meeting of the FATF plenary to get his country off-the-hook. Khan had also hired a top lobbyist firm on Capitol Hill to push its narrative.

The global watchdog didn’t let Pakistan’s status change, mostly in view of Pakistan’s inability to substantially deliver on 6 of the 27 action points.

FATF president Marcus Pleyer said that Pakistan completed 21 of 27 items, but the 6 outstanding items are very serious deficiencies that still have to be repaired and risks haven’t gone. “Pakistan govt must do its best to work on these 6 items,” he said.

The “grey list” comprises countries whose controls over terrorism financing are deemed inadequate.

FATF also said that an on-site visit by it would only be done once Islamabad fulfills all conditions and only then Pakistan will have the curbs lifted.