PM Modi leads yoga session in Srinagar on 10th International Yoga Day
He interacted with the Kashmiri youth and took selfies with them, and chatted with them

at 12:32 am

Srinagar, June 21: Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the yoga session in Srinagar to mark the 10th International Yoga Day. The PM did different yoga asanas in an indoor hall along with guests, amid rainy weather in the Kashmir Valley.

The yoga event took place on the banks of Srinagar’s Dal Lake, at the Sher-e-Kashmir International Convention Complex. This year’s theme was Yoga for Self and Society, which emphasises yoga’s vital role in fostering individual well-being and social harmony.

“I have got an opportunity to come to the land of ‘yoga’ and ‘sadhna’. In Srinagar, we can feel the ‘shakti’ that we get from yoga. I extend my wishes on the occasion of Yoga Day from the land of Kashmir to people performing yoga all across India and the world,” said PM Modi, who is on a two-day tour to Srinagar.

The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude for being present in Jammu & Kashmir, the land of Yog and Sadhna, and stated that “the atmosphere, energy, and experience from Yoga could be felt in Jammu & Kashmir today”.

He said “the participation of 50-60,000 people of Jammu and Kashmir with Yoga today on this occasion is a remarkable feat in itself”.

After finishing his address, PM Modi went to meet the rain-drenched Kashmiri yoga enthusiasts.

He interacted with the youth and took selfies with them, and chatted with them.

The Prime Minister posted on X:

“Post Yoga selfies in Srinagar! Unparalled vibrancy here, at the Dal Lake.”

The 30-minute yoga session was supposed to begin at 7 am but was delayed due to the rain. The event was attended by, among others, Lt. Governor Manoj Sinha and Ayush Minister Prataprao Ganpatrao Jadhav.

On Thursday, addressing a crowd in a soccer stadium in Srinagar, PM Modi announced development projects and said previous governments had misled people over the region’s now-scrapped special status.

“The success story of Jammu and Kashmir will be the centre of attraction for the world,” he told the crowd, saying that Kashmir has prospered since the 2019 scrapping of Article 370.

“I have always said that the hard work I am doing is to win your hearts. I will work towards winning your hearts further,” he said.