POJK capital Muzaffarabad turns into warzone, anger growing

at 12:31 am

Muzaffarabad (POJK): Pakistani forces this evening converted Muzaffarabad, the capital of occupied Jammu and Kashmir, into a virtual warzone as they showered thousands of bullets on Kashmiris holding protests for their legitimate rights.

According to various ground reports, several protestors were killed and injured in the firing by the personnel of paramilitary Pakistan Rangers and Frontier Corps, including by direct hits.

The Pakistani forces resorted to unprovoked firing on the participants of the ‘Long March to Muzaffarabad’ soon after they reached the capital of PoJK from various corners of the occupied territory, including the remote areas.

This has angered the local population further and they are vowing to hit back strongly.

While nursing the dream of Independence from Pakistan, the people of the occupied territory have launched a “movement for rights”,  with the immediate demands being tax-free electricity and wheat flour at subsidised rates.

After the ‘Long March to Muzaffarabad’ was announced by the Joint Awami Action Committee (JAAC) on May 9, the Pakistani forces started a crackdown on them, including arrests.

However, the Kashmiris in large numbers came out on the streets and attacked the occupying forces, leading to bloody clashes which left several dead and injured.

Pakistan then rushed more military in huge numbers and ordered shutdown of internet.

“Muzafarabad the capital city of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir is under attack by Pakistani forces! Pakistan Rangers & FC are straight firing at peaceful protestors! Pakistani Paramilitary forces have shot innocent Kashmiris including a child!”

This post on social media X by a resident of Muzaffarabad summed up the situation and the growing anger against Pakistan in POJK.

“The people of Kashmir will react accordingly with this Dictator every drop of blood will be spilled until we get freedom from their claws! Pakistan has fired on our peaceful protesters Interference in POJK matters by foreign Pakistani Rangers. Be it Afghanistan, Palestine or Kashmir, you cannot Occupy anyone by force,” posted one Ummah Khan.