Storytelling is as old as civilisation: PM

at 3:45 pm
Mann Ki Baat

New Delhi (NVI): Prime Minister today said that the history of stories is as ancient as the human civilization itself and said ‘where there is a soul, there is a story’. He was speaking in his monthly Mann Ki Baat radio address today.

PM Modi discussed and reaffirmed the importance of storytelling. He said that the coronavirus pandemic has brought family members even closer.

While talking about the significance of the convention of storytelling by elder members of the family, he discussed that through his interaction with children in the course of his travels, he realized that jokes had pervaded their lives in a major way, and they had no clue of stories.

Discussing the rich tradition of storytelling or Qissagoi in the country, PM said that India has nurtured the tradition of Hitopadesh and Panchatantra, which impart wisdom through an imaginary world of animals, birds and fairies.

He mentioned ‘Katha’, an ancient form of religious storytelling, cited example of ‘Villu paat’ in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, which is a confluence of story and music, and also talked about the vibrant tradition of Kathputli. He noted the growing popularity of storytelling based on science and science- fiction.

PM also urged storytellers to find ways to connect the new generation of the country with lives of great men and women through stories. He said that the art of storytelling must be popularized in every home and telling good stories to children should be a part of public life.

He said that the country is soon going to celebrate 75 years of independence, and urged storytellers to propagate inspiring events from the freedom struggle through their stories. He asked them to introduce every major and minor incident from 1857 to 1947 to the new generation through these stories.