TTP ridicules Pakistani military

at 9:15 pm
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) cadre in specialised gear. File pic released by TTP
Khyber Agency: Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) today rejected a claim by Pakistani armed forces that they had killed its 3 cadres in a gunfight in Tirah Valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province yesterday and ridiculed the military, saying it was “not strong enough” to face its Mujahideen.
It issued a statement, saying its Mujahideen commander Sohail alias Azmat and two other commandos were killed due to missiles fired from American drones.
The statement was issued by TTP spokesman Muhammad Khurasani after Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the military spokesman, claimed in a press release that three had been killed in an “intense fire exchange”.
“On April 25, the slave Pakistani army fired missiles with the support of an American drone aircraft in Tirah Valley of Khyber Agency and martyred the brave Mujahideen commander Sohail alias Azmat (Assistant District Governor of Jamrud district) along with two other commandos,” the TTP statement said.
It added that rest of the Mujahideen managed to escape unhurt.
“After the attack, the unholy army and the cowardly FC (Frontier Corps) jointly recovered the bodies of three martyrs buried under the debris and started bragging, as if they had fought and killed the Mujahideen,” it said, adding the reality is that they were killed in drone attack.
“The Mujahideen in the country are eyewitnesses to the fact that the security agencies are not strong enough to face the Mujahideen,” the TTP said.
“We are proud of the martyrdom of our brave youth who fought the enemy in the Khyber Valley and finally attained the high status of martyrdom with honor and red-facedness,” the statement said.