TTP slams Pak Army Generals, Political class; blames them for nation’s economic crisis

at 12:13 am
A picture of Pakistan depicting the economic crisis in the country.

Peshawar: Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) today blamed the “puppet (Army) General class” and “slave political elite” of Pakistan for the serious economic crisis being faced by the country and said the problems cannot be addressed without getting rid of these.

The outfit, which is fighting for implementation of Sharia Laws in Pakistan, said these two classes have been supporting each other so that both can indulge in corruption and loot of the national treasury.

“The source of all the problems and serious economic crisis faced by the beloved country Pakistan is the puppet General class and slave political elite imposed on the country,” TTP spokesman Muhammad Khurasani said in a statement to News Vibes of India (NVI).

He said these two classes support each other at every turn to loot the national treasury.

With the help of the ‘Establishment’, meaning all successive Army Generals, political parties, which are skilled in snatching the money from the masses, have been brought to power in Pakistan, he said.

The common masses of Pakistan are suffering while the wealth and properties of the ruling class are safe in foreign countries and are increasing day by day, he said.

Due to the rampant corruption and looting by these two classes, Pakistan has been ranked at 140th position out of 180 countries in the context of corruption, Khurasani said.

Also read: TTP invites all jihadi groups to join its campaign as one outfit merges with it

Referring to the acute economic crisis being faced by Pakistan, he noted that the stock exchange has crashed and many industries have closed down.

The Federal government and the provincial governments have also sunk deep in debt,” he said.

“Betraying the valuable efforts of the late Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, bargaining has also started on the atomic bomb,” the TTP spokesman said.

He said Pakistan is a fertile agricultural country, but the Army Generals and capitalist families have destroyed the productive capacity of the fertile lands of Punjab etc.

“As a result of the all-round corruption of these occupying forces, 5700 containers have been standing in Qasim Port and Kemari for three months,” he said.

“This puppet and slave class has kept the zealous, free and religious people of Pakistan as slaves of the IMF and other world powers for the survival of their luxuries,” Khurasani said.

“All internal and external policies of the country are subject to their rules and conditions on the recovery of each installment of the loan – from the motorway to the airports and all the internal and external assets of the country have been put at stake,” the TTP spokesman said.

He said the reason for this is that “a few generals and a few political leaders have considered the beloved country of Pakistan and its citizens as slaves and slaves.”

Khurasani went on to add: “So, We appeal to the zealous people of Pakistan. Pakistan’s problems cannot be solved without getting rid of this class, because this system is the protector of looting and corruption of this class. This dominant class is also engrossed in protecting this system.

“So the time has come to stand up against this system and its protectors.

“Get up! Support Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan!”