New Delhi (NVI): Union Home Minister Amit Shah today launched the ‘Vriksharopan Abhiyan’ organised by the Coal Ministry. Under the campaign, trees will be planted in colonies, mines, and offices.
The virtual event place took place in over 130 locations which are spread in 38 locations of 10 coal and lignite bearing states.
आज रुद्राक्ष का पौधा लगा कर @CoalMinistry के ‘वृक्षारोपण अभियान-2020’ का शुभारंभ किया और साथ ही 6 इको पार्क्स/पर्यटन स्थलों का उद्घाटन व शिलान्यास भी किया।
वृक्ष मानव जीवन के अभिन्न अंग हैं, आज जलवायु परिवर्तन से पूरी दुनिया डरी हुई है और केवल वृक्ष ही हमें इससे बचा सकते हैं।
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) July 23, 2020
Under the campaign, Amit Shah also inaugurated and laid foundation stone of six eco-parks and tourism sites.
The Abhiyan organised by the Ministry of Coal involves all coal and Ignite PSUs.
Under this, large scale plantation will be carried out in colonies, offices and mines and in other suitable areas of coal and Ignite PSUs.
The Union Home Minister launched the campaign in the presence of Pralhad Joshi, Union Coal, and Mines Minister, according to the official statement.