After Gwadar attack, BLA gives 90-day ultimatum to China to end work in Balochistan

at 9:18 pm
Fidayeen of Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) who attacked convoy of Chinese engineers in Gwadar, Balochistan yesterday.

Quetta: After targeting a convoy of Chinese engineers in Gwadar with a suicide attack, Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) today issued a 90-day ultimatum to China to shut down its projects in Balochistan and leave the territory, failing which its nationals and assets would face serial attacks.

BLA, which is fighting for liberation of Balochistan from Pakistani occupation, bluntly made it clear to China that it will not allow exploitation of the resources of the Baloch land.

The outfit issued the warning a day after its 2 suicide attackers targeted a highly-protected convoy of Chinese engineers in Gwadar port city, killing 4 of them along with 9 Pakistani military men escorting them.

Several others were injured in the assault that began at 9.18 AM (Pakistan time) yesterday and went on for about 2 hours, involving intense gunbattle and explosions.

The Pakistani government, as well as the Chinese side, suppressed details of the casualties as has been their practice in such eventualities.

“China has not only provided strategic and defensive support to Pakistani state to strengthen its occupation of Balochistan, but it has also been criminally involved in exploitation of Baloch resources through likes of Saindak and Gwadar port projects,” BLA said in a statement.

“We have warned China multiple times to stop its exploitation of Balochistan, and would like to remind it again that any foreign investment in Balochistan is possible only after achieving consent of Baloch people,” said the statement issued by BLA spokesman Jeeyand Baloch.

“BLA, through this statement, directly addresses the State of China and issues this warning that Balochistan is an occupied territory. Baloch nation has been fighting for its Independence for last 77 years,” it said.

“Any dealings with the occupying state will be unacceptable and considered as partnership with the enemy forces. The Baloch movement reserves the rights of strong armed resistance against any such partnerships,” the outfit said.

“If China fails to shut its projects and withdraw from Balochistan in next 90 days, then Baloch Liberation Army will further increase the number and intensity of its attacks against China,” the statement said.

Asserting that “several sensitive Chinese interests are in our target, and our fighters are fully ready to carry out attacks against these interests”, the BLA said, “If China fails to show any positive signs in this regard, then it should be ready for our new series of attacks.”

It once again reiterated that its attacks will continue until Pakistan fully withdraws from Balochistan.

The outfit paid rich tributes to the two ‘Fidayeen’ (suicide attackers) Naveed Baloch and Maqbool Baloch, who attacked the convoy yesterday under ‘Operation ZirPahazag’, for their exemplary valour, strong ideology and dedication for the cause.

“BLA will never forget the great sacrifices of Baloch martyrs and they will be held with great esteem in the history,” the statement said.

Referring to the attack, the statement said the convoy which was targeted while on the move from Airport to Gwadar Sea Port, comprised 4 vehicles carrying Chinese engineers, 6 vehicles of Pakistani military, a police vehicle, an ATF vehicle and an armoured vehicle.

The route of the convoy was being protected by the Pakistani military.

“However, with great professional expertise, the fidayeen of BLA successfully reached the site of attack and carried out an intense ambush at the convoy,” the statement said.

It said the attack began with the firing of grenade launchers that forced the convoy to stop, after which the carcade was attacked for half an hour with gunfire and grenades.

“After the successful operation, both fidayeen continued to hold their positions for a long period of time, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy forces. They finally used their last bullets to end their own lives and gave ultimate sacrifice for the motherland,” it said.

“Fidayee Naveed Baloch had joined the Baloch freedom movement in 2019, whereas, Maqbool Baloch had been part of the struggle since 2012,” the statement said.

“Both voluntarily expressed willingness to join the Majeed Brigade (unit of the BLA which specialises in suicide attacks) in 2021.

“As per the established rules of Majeed Brigade, the intentions of both Fidayeen were examined to rule out any temporary emotional factors.

“After this, the fidayeen underwent intensive training for six months, and then waited for nearly two years for their mission,” it said.