Balochistan: BLA killed 11 Pakistani soldiers, lost 2 cadres in Panjgur clash

at 8:20 pm

Quetta: Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) killed at least 11 personnel of occupying Pakistan Army and injured several others while losing two of its veterans during a clash in Panjgur district of Balochistan, according to the freedom-seeking outfit.

The fierce clash, which lasted around 5 hours, took place after the Pakistani troops raided a hideout of the freedom fighters in Garmkan area of Panjgur at around 10 PM local time on April 6, the BLA said in a statement.

Surrounded by the enemy Pakistani forces, BLA freedom fighters Hasrat alias Asad and Abdi alias Sawar fought bravely, repulsing the initial attack, said the statement quoting the outfit’s spokesman Jeeyand Baloch.

The occupying army then called reinforcements and intense gunfight ensued.

“By 3 AM, the two veteran commanders Asad and Sawar killed at least 11 enemy personnel and injured many others,” Jeeyand Baloch said.

“After fighting for 5 hours, both of them attained martyrdom,” the spokesman said.

Shaheed Hasrat alias Asad and Shaheed Abdi alias Sawar belonged to Garmkan area of ​​Panjgur and had joined the armed struggle for Baloch National Independence in 2019, he said.

“Both the freedom fighter colleagues were exemplary in their sincerity, hard work and tenacity. The martyred comrades crushed the enemy on many fronts with their fighting skills from the first day and followed it till their last breath,” the spokesman said.

“The Baloch Liberation Army reiterates its commitment that the blood of martyred comrades will be avenged in the form of an independent Balochistan,” he said, adding “Our operations against the occupying Pakistani army and its parole informers will continue with intensity.”