Balochistan: BLA warns police against helping Pakistan military

at 11:18 pm
Freedom fighters of Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) at some unknown location (File Pic)

Quetta: After targeting the convoy of Superintendent Police in Khuzdar, Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has said it was a warning to the police force in Balochistan to desist from supporting the Pakistan Army and federal Frontier Corps.

The convoy of the SP was targeted by the Special Tactical Operations Squad (STOS) of BLA with a magnetic bomb and 2 police personnel were eliminated and another injured in this operation, the pro-freedom outfit said.

Retired Pakistani Navy official Fahad Khan was also travelling in the convoy, BLA spokesman Jeeyand Baloch said in a statement to News Vibes of India (NVI).

The attack yesterday was “in response to the attitude of Pakistani police and Levies force, under the patronage of Pakistani military and its secretive agencies, towards the Baloch public in Khuzdar and adjoining areas,” he said.

Under the pretext of snap checking and raids, the Pakistani Police has been continuously harassing and disrespecting the public, Baloch said.

Some Police personnel are also involved in aiding the enemy forces in enforced disappearances of Baloch youth, he added.

“Baloch Liberation Army has clarified multiple times that if Police or the local levies forces refrain from taking sides, then they will not be targeted during the Baloch freedom movement.

“However, if these forces abet and aid the occupying forces and become a hurdle in front of Baloch freedom fighters or the movement, then they will face very severe consequences,” the spokesman warned.

He said the attack “should be considered a warning. If the Police force fails to reconsider its actions, then the Baloch freedom fighters will be ordered to treat the Police and levies forces in similar manner to occupying Pakistani military and FC.”

Meanwhile, in another operation, the freedom fighters of BLA have confiscated supplies of Pakistani military and destroyed the vehicle carrying it in Marwar area of Bolan district in Balochistan, the outfit said.

BLA “arrested” driver of the vehicle who admitted that he has been supplying rations to the enemy for a longtime, the spokesman said.

Proper legal proceedings will be carried out against the driver in the Baloch national court, he added.

“BLA has warned the locals multiple times to refrain from aiding the enemy forces. If any one is found involved in aiding the enemy forces, they will have to bear the consequences,” Baloch said.