BLA owns up 3 attacks on Pakistan Army, says 2 soldiers killed

at 11:19 pm
Special Tactical Operations Squad (STOQ) of Baloch Liberation Army (BLA).

Quetta:  Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) tonight claimed responsibility for 3 attacks on Pakistani Army in Kolwah and Sabi districts of occupied Balochistan and said at least 2 enemy personnel were killed and an equal number was injured.

The fighters of BLA attacked the occupying Pakistani army personnel when they had gathered near a vehicle inside their camp in Rudkan area of Kolwah last night, its spokesman Jeeyand Baloch said in a statement.

In the attack, at least two enemy personnel were killed on the spot and two more were injured, he said, adding the enemy also suffered financial losses.

Separately, BLA operatives attacked a post of the occupying Pakistani army in Kurmwood area of ​​Sabi with heavy weapons in which the enemy suffered loss of life and property, the spokesman said.

Another unit of BLA fighters targeted the infantry personnel of the Pakistan Army in the Karmwood area in an attack in which the enemy suffered casualties.