BLA warns Pakistani Companies against exploiting Balochistan’s resources

at 11:49 pm
Freedom fighters of Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) at some unknown location (File Pic)

Quetta (Balochistan): Issuing a stern warning, Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) tonight said all those companies involved in exploitation of Balochistan’s resources should stop such activities, failing which their assets will be targeted.

BLA, which is fighting militarily to liberate Balochistan from illegal Pakistani occupation, also asked transporters, in a statement, to refrain from being part of these activities or they will have to bear the consequences.

The warning was issued after the BLA seized a vehicle involved in plundering of Balochistan’s natural resources, in Garari area of Kalat last night.

The driver and his assistant were released after being cautioned, whereas the vehicle was put out of use, BLA spokesman Jeeyand Baloch said.

“No one will be allowed to take out resources of Balochistan,” he said, while issuing the warning.

“Along with occupying Pakistani military and state, all other corporations involved in exploitation of Balochistan’s resources should stop their activities immediately, or they will be target of highly intensified attacks,” Baloch said.

Balochistan is rich in natural resources, including gas, and these are exploited by Pakistan while depriving the people of the occupied territory of the economic benefits.