Killed Manager of Pakistani Co., warn looters of Baloch resources: BLA

at 10:13 pm
Freedom fighters of Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) at some unknown location (File Pic)

Quetta: Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) tonight said it killed a manager of a Pakistani company involved in exploiting mineral resources of occupied Balochistan to send out a message to such looters.

“Baloch Liberation Army operatives killed PMDC (Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation) project manager Shabar Mirza in an IED attack,” its spokesman Jeeyand Baloch said in a statement.

He said BLA operatives targeted Mirza with a remote controlled bomb attack at Sorange near Daghari area of ​​Quetta.

The driver of the vehicle was injured, he said.

“PMDC has been involved in the looting of Baloch national resources in Balochistan for many years, while this organization is supported by the occupying Pakistani army in this looting,” the BLA spokesman said.

“Baloch Liberation Army has made it clear that no one will be allowed to loot Baloch resources,” he said.

In another operation earlier, BLA cadres set fire to the machinery of a communication tower of Ufone Company at Ward No. 2 in Pasni area of ​​Gwadar on September 26, Jeeyand Baloch said.

“The Baloch Liberation Army claims responsibility for the above attacks. Our attacks on the occupying Pakistani army and its partners will continue,” he said.