‘Pakistani agencies have killed 7 key Sindhi leaders’

at 9:27 pm
Jeay Sindh leaders, including Zafar Sahito, at event in Houston, USA

Houston (USA): Pakistani intelligence agencies have this month killed 7 key Sindhi political leaders who were engaged in fight for freedom of Sindh from Pakistani occupation.

This was stated by prominent Sindhi leader Zafar Sahito, who is founder and Central Chief Organiser of Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement.

Sahito gave this information during an event hosted by the organisation in Houston Texas to pay rich tributes to martyrs of Sindhudesh on the occasion of 27th martyrdom anniversary of great Sindhi leader Sain G M Syed, the founder of the ideology of Sindhudesh.

“Pakistan is continuously denying us the right of self determination and is illegally occupying historical Sindhudesh & looting our national resources,” he said.

He said that despite the killing of his party’s 7 key national leaders & political workers by the Pakistani intelligence agencies, the organisation will continue its struggle for freedom which “is our Natural birthright”.

The event was organised in memory of those who laid their lives for our cause of national freedom.

The Chief Guest of the event was Dan Mathews for State Representative district 76 Houston Texas.

The event was attended by Sindhis, Baloch, Pashtuns, Afghans and others.