Appeal from Balochistan to Elon Musk: Allow us to highlight Pakistan’s atrocities

at 9:06 pm
Allah Nizar Baloch, Founder of Baloch Students' Organisation-Azad (BSO-A)

Quetta: Allah Nizar Baloch, founder of Baloch Students’ Organisation Azad (BSO-A), today made an impassioned appeal to Elon Musk, who recently bought Twitter, to let the people of Balochistan highlight what atrocities they go through at the hands of Pakistan.

Allah Nizar, whose Twitter account has been disabled umpteen times at the behest of Pakistan, hoped that Musk, the new owner of the social media platform, would keep his promise for freedom of expression.

“In a media blackout in Balochistan, while media is controlled by Pakistani army, social media is the only way to news. Yet this platform also succumbs to Pakistani state by suspending accounts of Baloch people,” he tweeted from a new handle.

“Hope that @elonmusk  keeps his promises for freedom of expression,” Allah Nizar added.

Nizar is not the only Baloch leader whose accounts have been disabled or withheld by the Twitter on various grounds.

BSO-A and several other such organisations are leading the people of Balochistan in their struggle for independence from Pakistan.

Pakistan has been illegally occupying Balochistan since 1948 and its forces have been committed extreme atrocities on the people of the region.

The Pakistani forces commit killings, rapes and ‘enforced disappearances’ in Balochistan but the Pakistani media hardly reports such developments.

Pakistan also prohibits the foreign media from reporting on such things from Balochistan.

Therefore, social media is the only means for the oppressed people of Balochistan to highlight what kind of atrocities they go through everyday.